Archive for the ‘dumbass pundits’ Category

Hetero-phobic Homos hate Kirk Cameron for loving them

March 21, 2012

Libs are hating on Kirk Cameron for re-affirming a faith and a tenet that goes back over 4000 years, but which they think he should drop, already, because, shut up.

I’ve long thought that Christians and social conservatives express themselves badly on the homosexual issue. The tack should be, liberals are always concerned with coercing people to give material things to people: take money away from workers and give it to those who don’t work to buy food, housing, contraceptives, education, what have you. They call conservatives heartless because they don’t buy into this redistribution of wealth, forced charity, if you will.

Christians and conservatives should aver that we feel homosexuality is destructive and hurtful to the person who practices it. While libs and gays claim they are “born” that way and they have no choice, they DO have a choice not to engage in homosexual sex. And no laws should be passed to ENCOURAGE sinful, destructive and hurtful behaviour (not to mention deadly, as in AIDS). We want to help them, not hate or hurt them. The heartless democrats and liberals are unfeeling of the spiritual life and health of homosexuals.

Don’t mention this post to anyone, it’s a secret (Obama’s a Muslim)

March 14, 2012

This guy, by writing this article, is doing exactly what he chastises the pollsters for doing. I had not even heard of this poll until I stumbled on this column. My question is, why are 40+% of Mississipians so unaware of Obama’s religion?

Seriously, I think the guy is an atheist who is Christian when it’s convenient. I believe he didn’t even pay attention to Reverend Wright for 20 years.

Frannie-poo Tarkenton should stick to touch football

March 7, 2012

Fran Tarkenton last beclowned himself weighing in on the Tim Tebow “Tebowing” whine-fest, taking the side of the godless. Instead of applauding the fact that a quarterback was advocating religion, morals, good behaviour, good sportsmanship and general righteousness, Fran cried and cried about the fact Tim brought too much Jesus to his game and I guess it offended Fran’s sense of decorum. Fran also yelled at Tim to get off his lawn.

As I noted at the time (my comment was oddly deleted) Tarkenton plagiarized a scene in North Dallas Forty in that diatribe, claiming that the scene where the team chaplain says a prayer before the game, then the late great John Matusak jumps up and says “Let’s kill the SOB’S!” actually happened on his team.

Andrew Breitbart: a great man, a great loss

March 3, 2012

When I first saw the news of Andrew Breitbart’s death, upon opening my folder of “re-check all day” blogs and clicking the Big Journalism tab, I thought I misread it. Then, I thought maybe it was one of Mr. Breitbart’s jests, but my heart fell, knowing this would be much too serious a matter about which to joke, with a wife and young children involved.

Drudge didn’t have it right away, but other blogs did, and it began to sink in, and I felt an emptiness in the pit of my stomach. I knew immediately a great presence and leader had been taken from us, and the vicissitudes of the campaign season would be less easy to handle without Andrew to fight on our side.

Truly, a great and shining sword for the cause of conservatism in popular culture, the internet and social media has been forever sheathed.

David Frum and Matthew Yglesias are pieces of shit, not human beings

March 1, 2012

Well, David Frum (the turn-coat Kos asslicker who makes a living trashing the people who gave him his start) manages to write the most graceless piece possible about Andrew Breitbart’s death, but what can you expect.

He goes on to say Andrew wasn’t a racist. Some of his commenters give him props for that.

No, he just accuses Andrew of racist behaviour, then tries to modify it by saying he wasn’t an actual racist, he just talked like one. Fuck frum, if he wasn’t a useful idiot for the left, he wouldn’t have a job. As it is, they hold him to castigate conservatives as if he had some kind of moral weight. He doesn’t. He’s a douchebag and a pantload.

And Yglesias, did Breitbart ever come down to where you work and slap the cock out of your mouth? Matty’s panties are so bunched up he can probably ride them to orgasm. Fuck you asshole. Obviously Breitbart landed a few on your side, that’s why you hate him and gloat over his death. Well, there’s millions more where he came from, buddy. And we’re all going to bully your gay ass like you’re still a highschool Judy Garland fan with a pink-streaked mullet and a fringed leather jacket and fairy boots.

How do you tell an Italian blog? Dago wop wop wop wop wop…

February 20, 2012

I guess I’m just not getting it. Someone indirectly referred to Jeremy Lin (a basketball player, if you don’t know) as a “chink”.

If someone called me a “wop” or a “dago” (both sets of grandparents were of Italian descent and my paternal grandmother came over from Italy as a little girl) I’d just laugh at something so absurd. I wouldn’t try to get someone fired, I really wouldn’t. I almost feel as if we should be able to yell back and forth and call each other dago and wop and n-word and c-word and douchebag and asshole. Who gives a rat’s ass?

Tina Fey is a despicable, talentless hack, but the left loves her for demeaning Palin

February 20, 2012

What a load of bollocks. The left (and no one else) loves Fey because she caricatured Sarah Palin, and with big media assistance, helped push the narrative Palin was stupid and vapid, to the point low information voters actually thought things Fey said were actual Palin quotes (“I can see Russia from my house”).

Femifista rapes my vagina with stupid

February 18, 2012

This post raped my vagina with stupid, and if I feel raped, it must be real. I’m a woman and therefore I ride the ultimate and unimpeachable moral highhorse. My weapons are smug self-righteousness in one hand and condescension in the other.

I wonder if it counts as “rape” to have your brain sucked out or your body dismembered and taken out piece by piece because your very existence is inconvenient to your mother? That would seem more like rape than some petty indignity like a sonogram.

You fags are a bunch of retards.

February 14, 2012

This occurred to me when the Vince Vaughan controversy about saying electric cars were for fags (they are) and the gay lobby got their panties all twisted up in their butt-cracks, and not in a good way.

Homosexuals have pretty much settles on “gay” as a euphemism for men who like to suck cock, put their penis in another man’s asshole (tops), have another man put his penis in their asshole (bottoms), or do a little of both (versatile) and other ancillary acts like adoring Madonna.

Ok, that’s gay and that’s cool. The rest of us aren’t referring to that when we use the word “fag” (mostly)- they have decided they want to be called “gay”, and have co-opted the word and it can no longer be used in it’s original sense, it’s so associated with homosexuality (you can’t call it “faggotry”).

More mush from the Romney-RINO wimps

February 14, 2012

Malor, the supposed superior intellect over at AOSHQ, lectures us lesser mortals on our stupid, hypocritical, idiotic, deluded support for Santorum (just as he did Gingrich supporters before Santorum’s surge). Seems Santorum is less than perfect and doesn’t live up to malor’s high standards as a conservative (as romney presumably does).

Ho Hum. Haven’t we heard this all before. Pesky Tea Party and other conservative types just won’t get in line and settle for romney like good little sheep, and they must be chastised for it.